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Fundamental of Database Design (SQL)


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2024 Sql Database




Course Number:                               8139 (OK Promise Approved)


Pre-requisite:                                    Fundamentals of Technology or Business and Computer Technology


Career Cluster/Pathway:                 Information Technology/Information Support and Services

Marketing Sales and Service/Marketing Information Management and Research


Career Major:                                    Database Developer; Database Associate; Database Administrator; Database Business Analyst

Locations:                                          Various locations across Oklahoma


Length:                                              1 Carnegie Unit

(95 class periods theory/80 class periods lab)


Course Description:

The students will develop an understanding of data modeling concepts as they create relational databases and use SQL to manipulate data.


Specific Learning Competencies - Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Develop a logical model using business requirements.
  2. Identify entities, attributes, and relationships.
  3. Identify primary, foreign and artificial keys.
  4. Normalize a database model.
  5. Implement a logical model into a physical database using SQL.
  6. Run a query.
  7. Create a table.
  8. Select data.
  9. Join tables.
  10. Create permissions.
  11. Enter, manipulate, and analyze data.
  12. Create views.
  13. Use scripting & database knowledge to implement a data-driven Web site.
  14. Plan a Web site and list the technical requirements.
  15. Build a database and list requirements needed.
  16. Perform Web site analysis.
  17. Manipulate data elements
  18. Manage, analyze and report on interrelated elements.
  19. Implement queries and reports to provide access to critical system information.
  20. Descript relational and object relational database designs.
  21. Retrieve data using the SQL SELECT statement.
  22. Use Arithmetic and Concatenation operators in SQL statements.
  23. Restrict and sort data.
  24. Use single row functions to customize reports.
  25. Report aggregated data using the group functions.


  1. Display data from multiple tables.
  2. Use Sub queries to solve queries.
  3. Use the SET operators
  4. Use DDL statements to create and manage tables.
  5. Create and manage Schema objects.
  6. Manage objects with Data Dictionary views.
  7. Control user access.
  8. Manipulate large data sets.
  9. Generate reports by grouping related data.
  10. Manage data in different time zones.
  11. Search data using advanced Sub queries.


Recommended Instruction:

Entities; attributes; relationships; permissions; SQL commands including SELECT, FROM, WHERE, HAVING, GROUP BY; normalization