2024 Fund of Tech
Course Number: 8169 (OK Promise Approved)
Pre-requisite: None
Career Clusters: Business Management and Administration; Finance; Hospitality and Tourism; Information Technology; and Marketing
Location: Various locations across Oklahoma
Length: 1 Carnegie Unit (equivalent to 120 clock hours)
Course Description:
This course provides students with fundamental concepts, principles, and ideas needed to understand how business is operated and managed in a rapidly changing technical environment. It provides job readiness skills and soft skills critical for success in any workplace setting.
Specific Learning Competencies – Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Frequency and Criticality scales (F:C) denoted at the end of each competency, are explained as follows: Frequency: (first number) represents how often the task is performed on the job. The rating scale used in this publication: 1 = less than once a week, 2 = at least once a week, 3 = once or more a day
Criticality: (second number) denotes the level of consequence associated with performing a task incorrectly. The rating scale used in this publication: 1 = slight, 2 = moderate, 3 = extreme
Duty A: Mobile Devices
- Classify cellular phone connections and carriers (1:3)
- Compare cellular vs. Wi-Fi-enabled devices and connection limitations (1:3)
- Understand smart phone functions and limitations (3:3)
- Understand the use of phones in a professional setting (3:3)
- Differentiate between SMS and MMS text messaging and multiple platforms (1:1)
- Configure location services and notifications (3:3)
Duty B: Intro to App Culture
- Understand how apps are obtained (must have an account,) app stores, purchasing apps with a credit card, in-app purchases, how to use an app store (2:2)
- Identify different app types (3:3)
- Compare strengths and limits of web applications vs. local applications (1:1)
Duty C: Hardware Devices
- Identify types of devices (i.e. server, laptop, desktop, tablets, etc.) (1:2)
- Identify impact of memory and storage for device usage (1:2)
- Connect and use different peripherals: camera, audio, microphone, USB devices, printer, external display and necessary device ports (3:3)
- Identify Ethernet usage (1:2)
- Connect a wireless device to a network (Wi-Fi) (1:1)
- Understand power management and power settings (1:1)
- Understand driver concepts as well as their device compatibility and updates (1:2)
- Compare platform implications and considerations (i.e. Mac, PC, Linux, iOS, Android, Firmware) (1:2)
- Compare platform compatibility for cellular, Wi-Fi, and wired (1:3)
- Understand concepts for connecting devices to the internet (1:2)
- Understand common hardware configurations (1:1)
- Compare the pros and cons of touch screens vs non-touch screen devices (1:1)
Duty D: Computer Software
- Understand operating system versioning and update awareness (1:2)
- Compare concepts surrounding applications vs. operating system vs. global settings (1:1)
- Understand operating systems and software settings (1:2)
- Understand software preferences/settings (1:1)
- Understand users and profiles (2:3)
- Understand file structures and file/folder management, including image files (3:3)
- Navigate menu options (3:3)
- Troubleshoot software issues (2:3)
- Identify use of global positioning system (GPS) and geographic information system (GIS) in society (1:1)
Duty E: Backup and Restore
- Understand local data backup and restore functions (1:2)
- Differentiate use of backup (find a lost file) and restore (fix settings) (1:2)
- Understand steps to complete a full system restore on a personal device (1:2)
Duty F: File Sharing
- Understand ways to transfer files, attachments, links, shared folders, and compressed files (3:3)
- Understand PDF usage for file sharing (1:3)
Duty G: Cloud Computing
- Understand cloud concepts (3:3)
- Identify benefits of using cloud storage (3:3)
- Access and use the cloud to upload, download, and sync (3:3)
- Differentiate web applications vs. local applications, including subscription services (3:3)
Duty H: Security
- Understand basic account management (3:3)
- Understand basic threats to security of computers, data, and identity (3:3)
- Understand implications of monitoring software (i.e. surveillance) (3:3)
- Differentiate connecting to secured vs. unsecured network (i.e. wired and wireless) (3:3)
- Understand importance of anti-virus software usage (3:3)
- Understand firewalls and basic settings (3:3)
- Identify e-commerce interactions and best purchasing practices (1:1)
- Define virtual private networks (VPNs) (1:1)
Duty I: Common Application Features
- Demonstrate copy, cut, and paste keyboard equivalents (3:3)
- Compare differences between plain text and HTML (i.e. text with markup) (3:3)
- Use spell check (3:3)
- Use review features (3:3)
- Demonstrate find/replace (3:3)
- Select text or cells (3:3)
- Demonstrate redo and undo (3:3)
- Demonstrate drag and drop (3:3)
- Understand read-only view (3:3)
- Understand protected mode (3:3)
- Demonstrate magnification (3:3)
Duty J: Hands On – Word Processing Activities
- Perform basic formatting skills (3:3)
- Adjust margins, page sizes, page orientation, and other page layout concepts (3:3)
- Change text sizes and font styles (3:3)
- Create and save files (3:3)
- Print a document (3:3)
- Understand print views (3:3)
- Use review options (3:3)
- Create tables (3:3)
- Understand file types that are compatible or editable with word processors (3:3)
Duty K: Hands On – Spreadsheet Activities
- Understand common spreadsheet terms (2:3)
- Insert/delete rows and columns (2:3)
- Modify cell sizes (2:3)
- Filter and sort data (2:3)
- Understand functions, formulas, and operators (2:3)
- Enter data (2:3)
- Use and create charts (2:3)
- Create tables (2:3)
- Manipulate data (2:3)
- Format data (2:3)
- Understand print preview, print, and other page formatting (2:3)
- Understand compatible spreadsheet file types (i.e. csv, xIsx, tab delimited) (2:3)
- Use spreadsheet templates to increase productivity (2:3)
- Understand use of spreadsheet as a simple database (2:3)
Duty L: Hands On – Database Activities
- Define data (1:1)
- Understand how websites utilize databases (1:1)
- Identify basic concepts of a relational database (1:1)
- Define metadata (1:1)
Duty M: Hands On – Presentation Activities
- Understand file types compatible with presentation software (2:3)
- Understand how to connect external/extended monitors to display presentation (2:3)
- Use presentation views and modes (2:3)
- Add animations, effects, and slide transitions (2:3)
- Create and organize slides (2:3)
- Design slides (2:3)
- Identify presentation software options (2:3)
Duty N: Introduction to Digital Media
- Import and insert images into documents (3:2)
- Crop images (2:2)
- Identify different types of multimedia (i.e. print, film, video) (1:2)
Duty O: Online Functionality
- Understand email basics (3:3)
- Create calendar events and appointments (3:3)
- Understand digital identity and cyber bullying in social media (3:3)
- Understand best communication tools (3:3)
- Understand virtual meeting options (2:2)
- Demonstrate effective online searches (3:3)
- Understand implications of copyright violations (3:3)
- Identify virtual reality (VR) uses and applications (1:1)
- Demonstrate appropriate internet etiquette (3:3)
- Validate internet resources (2:2)
- Research and validate new technologies (1:1)
Duty P: Introduction to Webpage Development
- Understand basic concepts of webpage development (1:3)
- Understand HTML/CSS in webpage development (1:3)
Duty Q: Smart Technology
- Understand use of artificial intelligence (AI) in technology (1:3)
- Define Internet of Things (IoT) as used to connect and operate devices (2:3)
- Identify the ethical issues related to the use of smart technology (1:3)
- Identify use of drones in society (1:2)
Duty R: Introduction to Programming
- Define algorithms (1:1)
- Create a simple program (2:3)
Duty S: Introduction to Leadership
- Identify leader characteristics (i.e. ethics, intelligence, objectivity, initiative, accountability, dependability, cooperation, integrity, courage, confidence, stability, empathy, creativity, teamwork, responsibility, flexibility) (2:2)
- Identify leadership styles (2:2)
- Identify professional and community organizations (i.e. student organizations, civic organizations, professional organizations, social organizations) (2:2)
- Participate in student organization activities and various projects on the local, state, and national levels (2:2)
Duty T: Introduction to Employment Process
- Set occupational objectives (i.e. entrepreneurship, self-employment, full-time, part-time) (1:3)
- Compose a letter of application (1:3)
- Create a résumé and portfolio in hard copy and digital format (1:3)
- Demonstrate knowledge of employment services (i.e. online searches, private, state, federal) (1:3)
- Review potential interview questions and techniques (1:3)
- Participate in pre-interview activities (i.e. mock interview, preparing questions for prospective employers) (1:3)
- Participate in job interview (i.e. interview etiquette, application, appropriate dress, résumé, research company history) (1:3)
- Complete post-interview activities (i.e. follow-up letter and inquiry call) (1:3)
- Complete job acceptance (i.e. negotiate salary and benefits, complete benefits forms) (1:3)
- Discuss legal issues (i.e. drug screen, discrimination, harassment) (1:3)
- Identify career and training opportunities (i.e. networking, professional organizations, education requirements, salaries, labor market, career ladder, self-initiative, transfer skills and flexibility, functions/job levels of a company) (1:3)
- Demonstrate knowledge of resignation, termination, and exit interview practices (1:3)
Duty U: Employability Skills
- Demonstrate effective communication skills (2:3)
- Demonstrate ability to present in front of a group (1:3)
- Demonstrate time management skills (3:3)
- Understand remote workforce implications (2:3)
- Understand impact of multigenerational and diverse workforce (2:3)
Instruction: (based on a typical 175-day school year with 45-minute class periods) 30 Class Periods Theory
115 Class Periods Lab
30 Class Periods Certification Preparation and Attainment
Methods of Instruction include:
(Choose method(s) of instruction – examples are: lectures, class discussions, hands-on training, demonstrations, projects and performance evaluation.)
Required Testing: (Select one certification test from the following options):
Industry (Certiport): ● IC3 Certifications (0905)
ODCTE: ● Fundamentals of Technology (0901)
SHL TalentCentral (choose one):
- Computer Fundamentals (0951)
- Basic Computer Literacy (0969)
Precision Exams (choose one):
- Computer Technology I (0902)
- Information Technology, Introduction (1108)
- Digital Business Applications (0215)
- Office Pro (0149)