CLICK: 2024 Computer Discoveries
Course Number: |
8867 (OK Promise Approved)
Pre-requisite: |
Career Cluster/Pathway: |
STEM/Computer Science IT/Programming & Software Development
Locations: |
Various locations around the state
Length: |
120 clock hours / 1 Carnegie unit
Course Description:
Computer Science Discoveries is appropriate for 6-10th grade students and can be taught as a semester or yearlong introductory course (3-5 hours per week of instruction for 9+ weeks). The course takes a wide lens on computer science by covering topics such as programming, physical computing, HTML/CSS, and data. Students engage with computer science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem solving, and fun. The course inspires students as they build their own websites, apps, games, and physical computing devices.
Specific Learning Competencies - Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- The Problem Solving Process
- Communicate and collaborate with classmates in order to solve a problem
- Iteratively improve a solution to a problem
- Identify different strategies used to solve a problem
- Identify the four steps of the problem solving process
- Given a problem, identify individual actions that would fall within each step of the problem solving process
- Identify useful strategies within each step of the problem solving process
- Apply the problem solving process to approach a variety of problems
- Assess how well-defined a problem is and use strategies to define the problem more precisely
- Computers and Problem Solving
- Identify a computer as a machine that processes information
- Provide a high level description of the different parts of the Input - Output - Store - Process model of a computer
- Identify the inputs and outputs of common computing devices
- Select the inputs and outputs used to perform common computing tasks
- Define processing as the work done (possibly by a computer) to turn an input into an output
- Define an algorithm as the series of commands a computer uses to process information
- Develop and iteratively improve an algorithm for processing information based on given constraints
- Describe how information can be processed to solve a particular problem.
- Identify a possible source of a given input.
- Determine what information should be stored on a device for later.
- Identify and define a problem that could be solved using computing
- Design an app that inputs, outputs, stores, and processes information in order to solve a problem
- Provide and incorporate targeted peer feedback to improve a computing artifact
- Web Development
- Web Content and HTML
- Identify the reasons someone might visit a given website
- Identify the reasons someone might create a given website
- Identify websites as a form of personal expression
- Explain that HTML allows a programmer to communicate the way content should be structured on a web page
- Write a simple HTML document that uses opening and closing tags to structure content
- Understand how to use lesson resources provided in Web Lab
- Use heading tags to change the appearance of text on a web page.
- Structure content into headings, subheadings, and paragraphs.
- Understand and explain reasons that it is difficult to control who sees information published online.
- Understand and justify guidelines for safely publishing information online.
- Use the <ol>, <ul>, and <li> tags to create ordered and unordered lists in an HTML page.
- Create and name a new HTML page.
- Explain the purpose of copyright.
- Identify the rights and restrictions granted by various Creative Commons licenses
- Add an image to a web page
- Describe why using whitespace, indentation, and comments makes your code easier to maintain.
- Develop a set of techniques for preventing bugs in HTML code and finding them when they occur
- Connect multiple web pages into one website using hyperlinks.
- Styling Text with CSS
- Use CSS selectors to style HTML text elements.
- Create and link to an external style sheet.
- Explain the differences between HTML and CSS in both use and syntax.
- Use CSS properties to change the size, position, and borders of elements.
- Create a CSS rule-set for the body element that impacts all elements on the page.
- Use basic web searching techniques to find relevant information online
- Identify elements that contribute to a website's trustworthiness or untrustworthiness
- Group elements using classes in order to create more specific styles on their website.
- Apply the rgb() color function to add custom colors to their website
- Apply CSS styles across an entire website
- Explain the design choices they made on their website to other people
- Prioritize and implement incremental improvements
- Web Content and HTML
- Animations and Games
- Images and Animations
- Identify how computer science is used in a field of entertainment
- Reason about locations on the Game Lab coordinate grid
- Communicate how to draw an image in Game Lab, accounting for shape position, color, and order
- Use the Game Lab IDE to plot different colored shapes on the screen.
- Sequence code correctly to overlay shapes.
- Debug code written by others.
- Use and reason about drawing commands with multiple parameters
- Generate and use random numbers in a program
- Identify a variable as a way to label and reference a value in a program
- Use variables in a program to store a piece of information that is used multiple times
- Reason about and fix common errors encountered when programming with variables
- Assign a sprite to a variable
- Use dot notation to update a sprite's properties
- Create a static scene combining sprites, shapes, and text
- Explain what an animation is and how it creates the illusion of smooth motion
- Explain how the draw loop allows for the creation of animations in Game Lab
- Use the draw loop in combination with the randomNumber() command, shapes, and sprites to make simple animations
- Describe the connection between updating a sprite's location properties and sprite movement on the screen.
- Read and follow the steps of a short program written in pseudocode that manipulates variable values.
- Use the counter pattern to increment or decrement sprite properties
- Identify which sprite properties need to be changed, and in what way, to achieve a specific movement
- Organize objects based on simple and compound boolean statements
- Describe the properties of an object using boolean statements
- Predict the output of simple boolean statements
- Use conditionals to react to changes in variables and sprite properties
- Use conditionals to react to keyboard input
- Move sprites in response to keyboard input
- Use an else statement as the fallback case to an if statement
- Differentiate between conditions that are true once per interaction, and those that remain true through the duration of an interaction.
- Use conditionals to react to keyboard input or changes in variables / properties
- Sequence commands to draw in the proper order
- Apply an iterator pattern to variables or properties in a loop
- Building Games
- Use the velocity and rotationSpeed blocks to create and change sprite movements
- Describe the advantages of simplifying code by using higher level blocks
- Use the isTouching block to determine when two sprites are touching
- Describe how abstractions help to manage the complexity of code
- Use sprite velocity with the counter pattern to create different types of sprite movement
- Explain how individual programming constructs can be combined to create more complex behavior
- Use the `displace`, `collide`, `bounce`, and `bounceOff` blocks to produce sprite interactions
- Describe how abstractions can be built upon to develop even further abstractions
- Create and use functions for blocks of code that perform a single high-level task within a program
- Create and use functions to remove repeated blocks of code from their programs
- Create and use functions to improve the readability of their programs
- Explain how abstractions allow programmers to reason about a program at a higher level
- Identify core programming constructs necessary to build different components of a game
- Create and use multiframe animations in a program
- Implement different features of a program by following a structured project guide
- Independently scope the features of a piece of software
- Create a plan for building a piece of software by describing its major components
- Implement a plan for creating a piece of software
- Images and Animations
- The Design Process
- User Centered Design
- Express opinions respectfully and effectively
- Critically evaluate an object for how well its design meets a given set of needs
- Identify empathy for the user as an important component of the design process
- Distinguish between their own needs and the needs of their users
- Critique a design through the perspective of a user profile
- Design improvements to a product based on a user profile (not personal opinions)
- Empathize with a user's needs to design an object
- Create meaningful categories from a collection of ideas, specifically in the context of a brainstorm
- Use a paper prototype to test out an app before programming it
- Identify the user needs a prototype was designed to address
- Translate user needs into changes and improvements in the user interface of an app
- Categorize and prioritize user feedback for an app
- Create a paper prototype for the screens of an app
- Interview a peer to learn about their needs
- Analyze interview notes to develop follow-up questions
- Brainstorm potential solutions to a specific problem
- Design the functionality of an app to address the specific needs of a user
- Identify improvements to an app based on user testing
- Design the user interface of an app
- App Prototyping
- Identify ways in which apps can effect social change
- Locate apps that address a specific user group or need
- Identify the user needs being addressed by an app
- Communicate the design and intended use of program
- Demonstrate the user flow through an app’s design using a paper prototype
- Test a prototype with a user, recording the results
- Analyzing a user test to identify potential issues or improvements
- Translate a paper prototype into a digital format
- Select the appropriate input element for a given type of information
- Write programs that respond to user input
- Integrate screens designed by others into an app of their own
- Collaborate with others to develop an interactive prototype
- Write out a detailed plan for how they will test their low fidelity prototype with other people
- Run a user test on an app and record what users say about their minimum viable product
- Analyze the user feedback from the previous lesson and determine a list of bugs (flaws) that need to be fixed and features that could be added to the app
- Prioritize the bugs and features according to impact and ease of implementation
- Present technical information clearly to non-technical users
- Reflect on the development of an ongoing project
- User Centered Design
- Data and Society
- Representing Information
- Define data as information collected from the world to help make a recommendation or solve a problem.
- Provide examples of how representing data in different ways can affect its ability to solve different problems.
- Choose the best way to represent some information based on how it will be used.
- Describe the necessary features of a system for representing information
- Create, use, and provide feedback on a system for representing information
- Iteratively improve upon a system for representing information by testing and responding to feedback
- Define a binary system as one that uses just two possible states to represent information
- Define a bit as a single piece of binary information
- Use the ASCII system to encode and decode text information in binary
- Create and manipulate binary patterns to represent black and white images
- Describe common features of systems used to represent information in binary
- Use a binary system to represent numbers.
- Extend a representation system based on patterns.
- Apply a method of encryption to ensure the secure transmission of data.
- Use both physical and digital security measures to secure data.
- Use multiple binary systems to decode information.
- Determine the most appropriate encoding system for a given piece of information.
- Choose and justify the use of different binary representation systems depending on the information being represented
- Encode and decode information represented in binary numbers and ASCII text
- Create a generalized representation system for many instances of a complex type of information
- Solving Data Problems
- Use the problem solving process to answer a question using data.
- Identify and collect relevant data to help solve a problem.
- Use data to draw conclusions.
- Give examples of how data is collected from sensors and tracking user behavior.
- Determine data that would be helpful in solving a problem, and how that data could be collected.
- Distinguish between data that users intentionally and unintentionally produce.
- Identify and remove irrelevant data from a data set.
- Create a bar chart based on a set of data.
- Explain why a set of data must be cleaned before a computer can use it.
- Use tables and visualizations summarizing data to support a decision
- Present and critique interpretations of tables and visualizations
- Identify additional data that could be collected to improve a decision
- Visually organize data to highlight relationships and support a claim.
- Use cross tabulation to find patterns and relationships in data
- Design an algorithm for making decisions using data as inputs
- Explain the benefits and drawbacks of using computers for automated decision making
- Interpret collected data to identify patterns
- Apply the data problem solving process to a personally relevant topic
- Determine appropriate sources of data needed to solve a problem
- Representing Information
- Physical Computing
- Programming with Hardware
- Identify computing innovations within a given field
- For a given device, articulate the likely inputs and outputs
- Suggest improvements to help a device better solve a specific problem
- Set the properties of UI elements using code
- Respond to user input using an event handler
- Write programs that change multiple elements on a single screen instead of changing screens
- Connect and troubleshoot external devices
- Turn on and off an LED with code
- Use code to control a physical device
- Compare and contrast multiple ways to take input
- Describe the elements of an event handler
- Model different methods of taking user input
- Attach an event handler to a hardware input
- Choose the appropriate event for a given scenario
- Develop programs that respond to analog input
- Scale a range of numbers to meet a specific need
- Represent a sensor value in a variety of ways
- Implement different features of a program by following a structured project guide
- Develop a program that responds to events from a hardware input
- Create a function that uses parameters to generalize behavior
- Use event handlers to respond to user interaction
- Design a piece of software that uses hardware for non-traditional input and output
- Prototype a program that integrates software and hardware
- Building Physical Prototypes
- Access an element in an array using its index
- Use the color LED array to individually control each color LED
- Use the color() and intensity() methods to control each color LED
- Create and modify an array
- Use an array to produce sound on the buzzer
- Recognize an array as a list of elements that can be operated on sequentially.
- Modify the exit condition of a for loop to control how many times it repeats
- Use a for loop to iterate over an array
- Recognize the use and need for accelerometer orientation (pitch and roll).
- Identify and explain the difference between the shake, data and change events.
- Refer back to and use their past knowledge of the counter pattern.
- Use parameters to generalize the purpose of a function.
- Create and debug simple circuits
- Develop an interactive physical prototype that combines software and hardware
- Consider the needs of diverse users when designing a product
- Independently scope the features of a piece of software
- Prototype a physical computing device
- Implement a plan for developing a piece of software that integrates hardware inputs and outputs
- Programming with Hardware