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Business Foundations


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Click:  2024 Business Foundations



Course Number:






Career Cluster:

Business Management and Administration; Finance; Hospitality and Tourism; Information Technology; Marketing



Various locations across Oklahoma



1 Carnegie Unit (equivalent to 120 clock hours)


Course Description: 

The purpose of this course is to assist middle school students (grades 7-8) in making informed decisions regarding their future academic and occupational goals and to provide information and foundational training regarding careers in the following career clusters:  Business Management and Administration; Finance; Hospitality and Tourism; Information Technology; and Marketing. Content includes but is not limited to fundamental knowledge and skills related to business functions in these clusters.  Through project-based instruction, students are introduced to the principles of business and computer technology appropriate for these career clusters while reinforcing their keyboarding skills. 


Instruction and learning activities are provided in a laboratory setting using hands-on experiences with the equipment, materials, and technology appropriate to the course content and in accordance with current practices.


The CareerTech student organizations, Business Professionals of America (BPA) and/or DECA, are considered co-curricular activities that are integral components of the course and should be integrated throughout.


Specific Learning Competencies - Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:


  1. Keyboarding.  Demonstrate keyboarding skills utilizing current technology.
    1. Recognize ergonomic issues.
    2. Develop keyboarding speed and accuracy skills while demonstrating appropriate keyboarding techniques.


  1. 21st Century Skills.  Develop an understanding of the 4C’s of the 21st century skills as they relate to the business world:  creativity, communication, critical thinking, and collaboration.
    1. Participate in a wide range of idea creation techniques (such as brainstorming) while demonstrating originality and inventiveness in work and an understanding of the real world limits to adopting new ideas.
    2. Demonstrate effective verbal, non-verbal, written, and digital communication skills as they apply to the workplace.
    3. Exhibit critical thinking while analyzing and developing appropriate solutions to problems/situations.
    4. Develop collaborative and time management skills through team building and team-based work while working together towards mutual goals.


  1. Career Exploration.  Examine educational requirements, job responsibilities, employment trends, and opportunities within different career pathways.
    1. Investigate career opportunities.
    2. Evaluate several occupational interests based on various criteria (educational requirements, starting salaries, trends, opportunities, and career ladders).
    3. Develop an individual career plan designed to reflect career interests, pathways, and postsecondary options.
    4. Understand the role and function of professional organizations, industry associations, and organized labor in a productive society.
    5. Model work-readiness traits required for success in the workplace.


  1. Safety.  Understand health and safety policies, procedures, regulations, and practices, including the use of equipment, handling of hazardous materials, and use of the Internet.
    1. Identify safety hazards and ergonomic risks within the workplace/computer labs.
    2. Demonstrate proper methods to protect against identity theft and other online security risks, including the use of social media.


  1. Business Management and Administration Cluster.  These standards come from the Common Career Technical Core developed for this cluster by Advance CTE: State Leaders Connecting Learning to Workhttps://careertech.org/career-clusters
    1. Identify and define business ownership.
      1. Compare and contrast the four types of business ownership (sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, and cooperatives).
      2. Identify factors that contribute to the success and failure of entrepreneurial ventures.
    2. Identify, demonstrate and implement solutions in managing effective business customer relationships.
      1. Perform customer service activities to support customer relationships and encourage repeat business.
      2. Utilize technology to facilitate customer relationship management and workplace communication.
    3. Access, evaluate and disseminate information for business decision making.
      1. Perform scheduling functions to facilitate on time, prompt completion of work activities.
      2. Prepare documentation of business activities to communicate with internal/external clients.
      3. Utilize information technology tools to manage and perform work responsibilities.
      4. Select document type and layout to produce business letters.
    4. Plan, monitor and manage day-to-day activities.
      1. Utilize office equipment to accomplish administrative related job assignments.
      2. Maintain work flow to enhance productivity.
      3. Utilize project management skills to start, run and complete projects.


  1. Hospitality and Tourism Cluster.  These standards align with the American Hotel and Lodging Association Education Institute and the Common Career Technical Core developed for this cluster by Advance CTE: State Leaders Connecting Learning to Workhttps://careertech.org/career-clusters
    1. Evaluate the nature, scope, and role of hospitality and tourism in society and the economy.
      1. Identify management styles within a variety of organizational structures.
      2. Trace the development of the hospitality and tourism industry to understand the overall structure.
    2. Demonstrate hospitality and tourism customer service skills that meet customer needs.
      1. Use customer comments to guide customer satisfaction policies.
      2. Integrate the principles of customer service to positively impact organizational performance.
      3. Identify and compare services and products from related industries to understand how they affect hospitality and tourism products and services.
    3. Apply information about time zones, seasons and domestic and international maps to create or enhance travel.
      1. Disseminate travel related information from a variety of domestic and international sources.
      2. Show competence in incorporating or applying multiple time zones, climate and seasons to create travel products.
      3. Gather information from a variety of domestic and international sources using tools such as the Internet and maps.


  1. Finance Cluster.  These standards are taken from the Oklahoma Priority Academic Student Skills (PASS) for Personal Financial Literacy as designated in the Passport to Financial Literacy Act of 2007 (O.S. §11-103.6h). http://sde.ok.gov/sde/sites/ok.gov.sde/files/PASS_Personal_Financial_Literacy_rev08-2015.pdf
    1. Describe the importance of earning an income and explain how to manage personal income using a budget.
      1. Evaluate how career choices, educational/vocational preparation, skills, and entrepreneurship affect income and standard of living
      2. Identify the components of a personal/family budget based on short, medium, and long-term goals.
      3. Explain how taxes, employee benefits, and payroll deductions affect income.
    2. Identify and describe the impact of local, state, and federal taxes upon income and standard of living.
      1. Identify and explain types of taxes and explain the reasons for taxation at the local, state, and federal levels.
      2. Explain the importance of meeting tax obligations and describe possible consequences of failing to meet those obligations.
    3. Describe the functions and uses of banks and other financial service providers.
      1. Identify and compare the basic types of financial institutions.
      2. Describe and compare the most common financial products and services.
    4. Demonstrate the ability to balance a checkbook and reconcile financial accounts.
      1. Explain the reasons for balancing a checkbook and reconciling an account statement.
      2. Develop and apply banking account management skills.
    5. Analyze the costs and benefits of saving and investing.
      1. Explain reasons for saving and investing to meet goals and build wealth.


  1. Information Technology Cluster.  ISTE Standards for Students ©2016, ISTE® (International Society for Technology in Education), iste.org. All rights reserved.  http://www.iste.org/standards/standards/for-students-2016
    1. Empowered Learner.  Leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.
      1. Articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes.
      2. Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that support the learning process.
      3. Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
    2. Digital Citizen.  Recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.
      1. Students cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation and are aware of the permanence of their actions in the digital world.
      2. Engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.
    3. Knowledge Constructor.  Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.
      1. Plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for intellectual or creative pursuits.
      2. Evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of information, media, data or other resources.
    4. Innovative Designer.  Use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.
      1. Know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.
      2. Select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risks.
    5. Computational Thinker.  Develop and employ strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that leverage the power of technological methods to develop and test solutions.
      1. Collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to analyze them, and represent data in various ways to facilitate problem solving and decision-making.
    6. Creative Communicator.  Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.
      1. Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.
      2. Create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.
      3. Publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for intended audiences.
    7. Global Collaborator.  Use digital tools to broaden perspectives and enrich learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in teams locally and globally.
      1. Contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal.


  1. Marketing Cluster.  These standards align to MBA Research and Curriculum Center http://www.mbaresearch.org/ and the National Business Education Association https://www.nbea.org/.  
    1. Marketing Communication
      1. Apply written and verbal skills to obtain/convey information and construct persuasive messages.
      2. Develop content for use in marketing communications to create interest in product/business/idea.
      3. Select target market appropriate for product/business to obtain the best return on marketing investment (ROMI).
      4. Critique advertisements to ensure achievement of marketing communications goals/objectives.
      5. Analyze the characteristics of entrepreneurs and small business managers.
    2. Marketing Relations (customer/client)
      1. Demonstrate techniques and strategies used to foster positive, ongoing relationships with customers.
      2. Utilize sales processes and techniques to determine and satisfy customer needs.
    3. Marketing Technology
      1. Identify trends in social media space.
      2. Explain ways that technology affects marketing communications.


Instruction:  (Based on 175 class periods, 60 class periods theory/ 115 class periods lab)


25 Class periods              Career Development Overview, Keyboarding

30 Class periods              Business Management and Administration

30 Class periods              Hospitality and Tourism Foundations and Careers

30 Class periods                            Finance Foundations and Careers

30 Class periods                            Information Technology Foundations and Careers

30 Class periods                            Marketing Foundations and Careers


Methods of Instruction include: 

(Choose method(s) of instruction – examples are: lectures, class discussions, hands-on-training, demonstrations, projects and performance evaluation.)


Required Testing:

(Select one from the following options)




Workplace Readiness Skills (0454)

Job Seeking & Retention Skills (0455)



Exploring Computer Science 802 (1725)

Exploring Business & Marketing 245 (0916)

21st Century Skills 300 (0448)

Preparing for College & Careers 1003 (0447)


SHL TalentCentral:

  • Workplace Fundamentals (0168)


Suggested Testing:

(Select from the following options)


SHL TalentCentral:

  • Written English (0180)
  • English Writing Exercise
  • Typing Speed & Accuracy (0186)
  • Business Communication (0172)
  • Business Writing (0181)
  • English Listening Comprehension (*)