7th Math Lessons Date Objective
state test review 3-19+
test 11,12 3-12 test ws 3-11 chapter review
12.2,7,8 page6081-4 p581;1-20 3-8 spreadsheet, mis data d1.2
12.5 p656;1-34 + ws 3-7 compound probability d2.1
12.1w ws 3.6 probability d2.1
12.1 p632; 1-23 p672;1-12 3-5 probability d2.1
d5w ws 3-2 box & whisker plot d1.1
d4w ws 3-1 scatter plot, trend line d1.1
d3w ws 2-28 freq table, stem leaf d1.1
d2w ws 2-27 bar graph, histogram d1.2
d1w ws 2-26 central tendency d1.1
test 10 2-22 test
10.r p564;1-30 2-21 chapter review
10.8 p561;1-17 + ws 2-20 rotation gm4.3
10.7 p556;1-31 + ws 2-16 reflection gm4.3
10.6 p552;1-19 + ws 2-15 translation gm4.3
10.4 p542;1-24,30-35 2-14 nonlinear graphs
9.4-5 2-13 input outpput
10.3w ws 2-12 slopes
10.2w ws 2-9 graphing lines
10.1w ws 2-8 coordinates
test 8 1-30 test ws 1-29 chapter review
8.6w ws 1-26 pythagorean
8.5bw ws 1-25 square roots
8.3bw ws 1-24 area comp gm2.2
8.3aw ws 1-23 area trap gm2.1
8.2w ws 1-22 area ~gm2.1
8.4w ws 1-19 circle c=,a= gm3.1,3.2
test 7 1-18 test
7.r p394;2-24 1-16 chapter review
7.8 p385;1-21,28-36 1-12 circles terms
7.6 p380;1-34,quiz1-4 1-11 congruence
7.5 p371;1-15,23-25 1-10 polygons
7.4 p365;1-22,28-42,quiz1-9 1-9 triangle,classify,180
7.3w ws 1-8 construction
7.2 p354;1-34,41-46 1-4 angles,classify,#
7.1 p348;1-28 1-3 point,line,plane
semester test 12-18 test
srb extra practice ch4-6
sra extra practice ch1-3 12-15 sem review
srw review worksheet 12-14 sem review
test 6 12-13 test review worksheet 12-12 chapter review
6.8r p330;40-57 p689;1-35 12-11 % change a2.2
6.7 p324;1-42,quiz5-10 12-8 sales tax tip comm a2.2
6.6 p320;1-35
6.6w ws 12-7 solve % problem ~a2.2
6.2-4w ws 12-6 %, deci, feac ~a2.2
6.2 p298;1-31,49-54,65-76 12-5 %, deci, frac ~a2.2
6.1w ws 12-4 %, deci, frac ~a2.2
test 5 12-1 test
5.rb p284;2-32 11-30 chapter review
5.ra p282;6-26 11-29 chapter review
5.6 p269;3-12,31,32,50-55 11-28 similar, scale a2.2,2.3
5.5 p263;7-27 11-27 solve prop a2.2,2.3
5.4 p258;1-20,31-43 11-17 proportion a2.2
5.2 p248;1-24 11-16 rates a2.2
5.1 p243;1-25 11-15 ratio ~a2.2
test 4 11-9 test
4.rb p234;8-34 11-8 chapter review
4.r p232;1-26 11-8 chapter review
4.6 p215;2-27,55-65 11-7 solve eq wh frac n2.3,2.5
4.5 p209;1-27,35-39,65-73 11-6 frac mixed / n2.3,2.5
4.4 p205;2-40,53-57 11-3 frac mixed x n2.3,2.5
4.3 p199;1-22,55-58,quiz4-10 11-2 mixed # +- n2.3,2.5
4.2 p194;1-32,46-51 11-1 fraction +- n2.3,2.5
test 3 10-31 test
3.r p178;1-43 10-30 chapter review review worksheet 10-27 chapter review
3.10 p175;1-34,quiz1-8 10-26 compare rational #
3.9 p170;1-32,47-57 10-25 convert frac decimal
3.8 p166;1-37,41-49,56-67 10-20 frac improper mixed
3.6 p157;1-18,30,31,56-60 10-19 compare order rat
3.5 p153;1-37,41-45 10-18 equivalent frac
3.4 p148;1-40,70-72 10-12 lcm,gcf
3.1w order of ops 10-11 order of ops a4.1
3.1 p133;1-37 10-10 order of ops a4.1
test 2 10-9 test review ws 10-6 review
2.r p122;1-41 10-3 review
2.10w solve inequalities x / 9-30 solve inequality a3.2
2.9w solve inequalities + - 9-29 solve inequality a3.2
2.8w inequality ws 9-28 write & graph ineq a3.2
2.6 p100;2-30,40-57 9-26 solve two step eq a3.1
2.5 p96;1-24,29-42 9-21 solve two step eq a3.1
2.4 p90;2-33 9-12 solve equations x/ a3.1
2.3 p85;1-32 9-11 solve equations +- a3.1
2.1 p73;1-31 9-8 evaluate expressions n2
test 1.6-10 9-7 test
1.6-10 p62;12-30 p64;25-38 9-6 review
1.10 p58;1-20,41-45 9-5 central tendency d1.1
1.9 p52;1-39 9-1 order of operations a4.2
1.8 p47;6-32,50-52,quiz1-8 8-31 integers x/ n2.2
1.7 p42;1-57,64,65,79,80 8-30 integers +- n2.0
1.6 p36;1-39 8-29 compare integers n2.6
test 1.1-5 8-28 test
1.1-5w review ws 8-25 review
1.5 p32;2-8 p707;25-30 8-24 problem solving n2.3
1.4 p707;1-24 8-23 decimal operations +-x/ n2.3
1.3 p703;13-29 8-22 decimal operations x/ n2.3
1.2w decimal + - 8-21 decimals operations +- n2.3
1.1w estimation ws 8-18 estimation ~n2.1
Value Added Assessment Star Math